Dovensport Vlaanderen
Atletiek Bowling Futsal Golf Padel Petanque Wielrennen Koolkerke
K.S.K.D. Brugge
Koninklijke Sporting Kring Doven Brugge

KSKD Brugge is an omnisports club for deaf and hard of hearing sports enthusiasts. Precisely in this club fellow sufferers find each other and feel equal and start with equal opportunities. 

Their communication deficiencies resulting from their hearing disabilities are usually a major barrier to participate in sports in the mainstream society. Only the best sportsmen and sportswomen are also members of the able-bodied sports world because this is a "must" for them to be able to practise top sports.    

There is a wide range of different sports, some more popular than others, but the main thing is to be part of their living environment where communication is the guiding principle. Not only for people who know sign language but also for other fellow sufferers who do not yet master this language. 
Also here is for both young and old offer both competitive and recreational sports. 
If you as a hearing surfer know a deaf/ hard of hearing person who is ignorant about deaf sports talk to him ! Unfortunately there are still many such people who lock themselves away. Especially in our club, one can live it up in all areas !

Website of the club : https://dovensportbrugge.be/   
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Dovensportbrugge
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dovensport_brugge/

This club was founded in 1930.

The members of the committee are as follows

  •  Chairman: Lennart Van Overberghe - E-mail : v_lennart@hotmail.com
  •  Interim Correspondent Designate: Jan Van den Braembussche - E-mail : dovensportbrugge@telenet.be
  •  Treasurer: Filip Bostyn - E-mail : filip.bostyn@proximus.be
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