Europacup Petanque - 13-14.08 - Brugge
Fri 4 Aug '23 Europacup Petanque - 13-14.08 - Brugge
Already planned in August 2020, postponed and canceled in 2021 due to the Covid, the Belgian Deaf sport Committee, in collaboration with the club K.S.K.D. Brugge and the Petanque Federatie Vlaanderen (P.F.V.) – the Belgium Petanque Federation (B.P.F.), is pleased to welcome the national selected players to the Europacup Petanque which will take place in Brugge from Sunday 13 to Monday 14.08.

After the Europacup Padel organized on our soil in 2022, this will be the second international competition paving the way for access to an upcoming and therefore first European Championship for these disciplines under the auspices of the European Deaf Sport Organisation (E.D.S.O.).

Welcome to the countries that have confirmed their participation in the Europacup Petanque, namely : France, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium.

To all athletes and their supporters, we invite you to read the documents listed below which will allow you to have a pleasant stay in Brugge !

For the B.D.C.,

Regarding the meal, a reduction is granted for each member (of the club of K.S.K.D Brugge)
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