Cross-border behaviour in sports

What is transgressive behaviour in sport?

Transgressive behaviour in sport is any form of behaviour or approach, whether verbal, non-verbal or physical, that:
  • is perceived as forced and/or unwanted by the person, who undergoes it
  • has the purpose or effect of affecting the dignity of the person
  •  takes place in the context of sport

4 forms of transgressive behaviour 

  1. Psychological: any verbal or non-verbal behaviour, which can damage both an individual's emotional well-being and his/her/their thoughts, standards and values about him/herself e.g. shouting, cursing, swearing, ignoring, mental pressure
  2. Physical: any behaviour that can cause physical harm to an individual vb. physical injuries and punishments, incitement to doping....
  3. Sexual: any form of unwanted non-verbal, verbal or physical sexual approach, sexual behaviour or attempted sexual behaviour. Sexual transgressive behaviour is an umbrella term that includes both non-contact behaviour such as sexual remarks and sexual harassment, as well as sexual behaviour with contact such as sexual assault and rape e.g. being whistled at, unwanted touching...
  4. Neglect: failure to meet the physical and emotional needs of the athlete. The negligence and disregard of the athlete's safety e.g. failure to intervene in an accident....

Possible signs of transgressive behaviour

  •  Unexplained or unusual injuries to the person
  •  Changes in mood e.g. startle reactions
  • Behavioural changes e.g. isolation from team, sudden unwillingness to shower
  • Avoidance behaviour e.g. avoiding changing rooms
  • Sporting changes e.g. reduced performance, drop-out
  • Feelings of inferiority
  • Expressing feelings of guilt without concrete reason

Reacting to transgressive behaviour

Want to know more?

Click please on the links below...

  • Centrum Ethiek in de Sport 
  • Dr. Tine Vertommen - Thomas More Hogeschool

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