New talented athlete competes in World Swimming Championships
Thu 3 Aug '23 17-year-old Leendert DESMET makes his debut at the World Swimming Championships in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Leendert Desmet (17 years old) has been swimming in swimming club TZT Torhout since he was 5 years old. He has been hard of hearing since birth and wears hearing aids. 

He currently trains eight times a week in the pool and twice a week in the strength room. His strongest numbers are the longer distances in crawl. 

He was recently told that he may represent our country at the World Championships for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This World Cup will take place from 13 to 19 August 2023.   However, no subsidies or grants have been provided so he has to finance everything himself. The trip and accommodation on site together with his coach Hubert Backs soon add up to EUR 5,000. He hopes to raise this amount through this crowdfunding. 

You can also follow this athlete personally via his own blog :

Will you contribute? He will be very grateful!
You will find the link below. 

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