Football In Memoriam
In Memoriam Sandon Vandenhove
Sat 20 Jan '24 It is with sadness that the Belgian Deaf sport Committee learns of the death of Mr Sandon Vandenhove (21/06/1950 - 6/12/2023).
BDC learned of the passing of Sandon, a sports athlete with great club love for De Haerne Club Kortrijk. 

We know him as a sporting man who was a fine example for his club as a football player.

For instance, he won the Belgian Football Championship with DHC Kortrijk in the 1973-1974 season and also became Football Cup winner in the 1983-1984 season. He also played for a long time in the KMVV (regional mini-football competition around Kortrijk) with DHC Kortrijk. 

We will miss him and wish his family and friends much strength at this difficult time.

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