Start of the new padel season 2023-2024 !
Fri 17 Nov '23 The 'Belgian Deaf Padel Tour' is a tournament circuit consisting of tournaments in Flanders and Wallonia by analogy with Belgian Padel Tour. There are 3 rounds where ranking points can be earned in order to qualify for the Belgian Championship.
The 2023-2024 season includes some new features:

  • Automatic drawing
  • Full knockout system with placement for all players
  • Tournament system
         - 1 winning set of 9: quarter-finals in Men's A, B and Women's A, B (1st match) and all matches in Men's C (4x)
         - 2 winning sets of 6 (possible 3rd set in super tie-break): all matches after the quarter-finals at Men's A, B and Women's A, B (2nd and 3rd match)
  • "Golden Point" in matches to 2 winning sets of 6
  • Belgian Championships: 1 men's category with 16 teams and 1 women's category with 8 teams

Next Saturday, 18/11/2023, the 1st round will start at Mokko in Floreffe with a total of 39 teams registered (32 for men and 7 for women)!

The circuit will then pass through Kortrijk (2nd round on 16/3/2024) and Boechout (3rd round on 25/5/2024) to end with the Belgian Championship on 22/6/2024 at Heiveld in Sint-Katelijne-Waver.

In between, the Belgian Veterans Championship will take place at Tour & Taxis in Brussels on 3/2/2024 with also new categories: Men +45, Men +55 and Women +40.

On the European level, there is also new interesting info:
  • Padel is officially recognized thanks among others to the successful organization of Europacup Padel 2022 in Mechelen!
  • Tois Garcia (Spain) has been elected sport director (= S.D.) for padel
  • At the end of 2024, the first padel European Championship would be organized in Malaga (Spain), more info expected in December 2023

Please note all the above mentioned dates to find out who will succeed Belgian champions David Maso/Gauthier de Jamblinne and Manon Mallieu/Céline Cornia at the end of the season? Come and support us!
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