Deaf Sports Day
child friendly
27th Flanders Deaf Sports Day (DSV
Deaf Sports Day - Sat 28 Aug '21
This is an open recreational sports day for everyone and specifically for people with hearing disabilities as well as able-bodied relatives or other people with disabilities.
On this day, special attention is paid to sports for deaf-blind people.

09:30 Sports hall and changing rooms open
10.00 - 13.00 Tandem cycling for the deafblind, athletics, swimming, table tennis, squash, kubb.
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Swimming for the deaf and dumb
2 pm - 4 pm athletics
1-6 p.m. Archery, judo, table tennis, squash, kubb
6 p.m. - Communication evening in eating house Sport Vlaanderen Blankenberge

Entrance & participation = FREE !

With this open recreational sports day for everyone (young and old as well as the disabled are welcome!) we want to make our sport better known in society because there are
There are too many people with a hearing impairment who have difficulty finding a way to practise sport because of their handicap.
from their isolation. On this day, for the first time, sports are offered for the group of deafblind people.

This day is not only to offer sports but also to give them the opportunity to communicate between peers and others who know
with this disability. Today, we have chosen for the sports infrastructure of Sport Vlaanderen Blankenberge
also because this sports centre has some facilities for disabled people.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us on 0479 82 50 80.
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