Belgian Deaf Open Golf
Golf - za. 3 mei
INVITATION International Golf Tournament for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

🗓 Date: May 3, 2025

Kempense Golf Club, Mol
Dear golf friends,

We are delighted to invite you to the international golf tournament for the deaf and hard of hearing! The event will take place on the beautiful 18-hole course of the Kempense Golf Club in Mol. It promises to be a sporty and enjoyable day!

Belgian Championship

This tournament also serves as the Belgian Championship for the deaf and hard of hearing. Take this unique opportunity to compete against the best players in the country and fight for the title!

Tournament Information

·        Men and women will play together in a mixed field.

·        There will be a separate prize ceremony for men and women.

·        Requirements: Maximum handicap of 36.


·        Men play from the yellow tee.

·        Women play from the red tee.


Thanks to subsidies from Sport Vlaanderen, we can keep the costs low: €40 per person.

Registration is only final after payment of €40.

Register via this link:
Registration BDOG 2025 - ENG - Google Formulieren

Payment details:

·        Account number: BE51 7330 6213 1762 (in the name of BDC)

·        Reference: Your name & BDOG 2025
Extra: Practice Round

Would you like to play a practice round? This is possible on Friday, May 2, for an additional €45.

·        Please mention this in your registration and transfer the amount together with your entry fee to the same BDC account.

·        We will inform you of your practice round schedule, which will take place after 3:00 PM.
Great Prizes & Sponsorship

Thanks to the sponsorship of National Lottery, Callaway, Golfcenter, and Pin High, we can offer an excellent prize table!

Accommodation Options

For those who wish to stay overnight, here are some nearby accommodations:

·        Hippocampus

·        Hotel Villa Tilia

·        Hotel Huron

·        Corbie Lommel

·        Sunparks Kempense Meren

A few weeks before the tournament, we will contact you again to confirm your latest handicap.

We hope to welcome many of you for a fantastic day on a magnificent golf course! Do you have any questions or comments? Please contact golf@deafsport.be!
Best regards,

Pascal Mollet
Organizer BDOG 2025 Golf@deafsport.be

Jan Van den Braembussche
Belgian Deaf sport Committe (BDC) President@deafsport.be

Dear sports friends,

We are proud to announce that on May 3, 2025, the very first international golf tournament for the deaf and hard of hearing in Belgium will take place! This special event will be hosted at the beautiful Kempense Golf in Mol (18 holes) and is made possible by the Belgian Deaf Sport Committee.

We hope to welcome golfers from various countries for a day filled with sport and connection. This tournament is not only a unique sporting challenge but also aims to promote golf for the deaf and hard of hearing, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, the Belgian Deaf Open Golf serves as an excellent opportunity for top players to prepare for the Deaflympics in Tokyo.

May we kindly ask you to share this event with your members?
Please save the date: Saturday May 3, 2025

Registration for participation is possible from now on : below this article you will find the link to register yourself for participation. 
This can be done in Dutch or English (for foreign participants!). 

For more information, feel free to contact us at golf @ deafsport.be .

We look forward to welcoming golfers from various countries. 
It will surely be a unique and enjoyable day!

Handy links
2 clubs K.S.K.D. Brugge Sport V.G.T. Mechelen