Europees Kampioenschap
7e EK Voetbal in Odense - Denemarken
Europees Kampioenschap Voetbal - ma. 27 jun. '11 - za. 9 jul. '11

7th European Football Championship in Odense (Denmark) with Belgium's participation

Belgium entered Group C with Denmark, Ireland and Russia and finished in 3rd place in Group A with 3 points (2 wins and 1 draw) behind Russia (9 pts) and Ireland (6 pts) and ahead of Denmark (0pts).

Danny Bekaert was included in the All-Star Team of the European Championship.
Sven Verstraete became the national team's top scorer with four goals.

Results in Group C:

Denmark vs Belgium = 1-3 (Goals by D. Hoste, Sven Verstraete & D. Bekaert)
Ireland vs Russia = 0-1
Ireland vs Belgium = 2-1 (Goal by D. Bekaert)
Denmark vs Russia = 0-3
Belgium vs Russia = 1-3 (Goal by Sven Verstraete)
Denmark vs Ireland = 2-3

Ukraine vs Belgium = 5-1 (Goal by Sven Verstraete)

For 5th tem 8th place:

Ireland vs Belgium = 0-2 (Goals by D. Hoste)

For 5th tem 6th place:
Turkey vs Belgium = 4-3 (Goals by 2x Sven Verstraete and Danny Bekaert)

Final score (men):

  1. Russia 
  2. Ukraine
  3. Germany 
  4. Great Britain
  5. Turkey 
  6. Belgium 
  7. Ireland 
  8. Netherlands
  9. France
  10. Denmark
  11. Italy 
  12. Poland

Player group Belgium
Adrien Flemal (goalkeeper), Abdulsamet Yildiz (goalkeeper), David Maso (goalkeeper), Pascal Giovannardi, Bram Van Landuyt, Emin Yildiz, Peter Sutherland, Diem Hoste, David Van Assche, Gauthier de Jamblinne de Meux, Rachid Es-Saoudy, Irfan Yildiz, Sam Verstraete, Mick Ameloot, Maxime Devolder, Sven Verstraete, Danny Bekaert, Tim Van Landuyt, Dieter Coussement, Ramazan Yildiz, Nicolas Duchêne and Domik Gretzer.

Staff Belgium
Trainer: Michel Rivez & Nico De Weghe.
Staff: Lieven Kind (TD), Dimitri Grootaers and Alexandre Mazovetski. 

3 clubs D.H.C. Kortrijk R.L.S. Bruxelles Suje - SourDoof