The Belgian Championship Padel will take place in Heiveld (Sint-Katelijne-Waver) on Saturday 22/06/2024.
There is also the possibility of participating in the BBQ from 19:30 in the evening.
Participation in the BBQ = 30 euros (3 pieces of meat with salad bar).
You can register before 15 June next by transferring money to the bank account number BE73 7330 6213 1560 stating your name + vegetarian if applicable.
There is also the possibility of participating in the BBQ from 19:30 in the evening.
Participation in the BBQ = 30 euros (3 pieces of meat with salad bar).
You can register before 15 June next by transferring money to the bank account number BE73 7330 6213 1560 stating your name + vegetarian if applicable.