Belgisch Kampioenschap
Nationaal Kampioenschap Tafeltennis Enkelspel 2023
Belgisch Kampioenschap Tafeltennis - zo. 12 mrt. '23
The CSS Namur club will organize a National Single Table Tennis Championship this Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 10:00 am in the RCTT Astrid club room at the following address: RCTT Astrid, rue du Doyard 114 at 4040 Herstal.

Come and cheer on the Table Tennis players who will participate in this tournament !

Do you love table tennis? Do you want to join a club to play competitively? Then join our BDC federation !

Our federation develops in a spirit of conviviality, simplicity, and a warm atmosphere. Regardless of age or level, our federation is open to all: young, young or senior !

Together, let's practice our sport, our passion! 
Articles about this event
Table tennis
2 clubs R.L.S. Bruxelles R.U.S.S. Liégeoise