Belgian National Championships
Table tennis
National Single Handicap Table Tennis Championship 2022
Belgian National Championships Table tennis - Sun 23 Oct '22
Hi there,

My name is Jean-Yves CAMPIOLI and I am the new Technical Director in the sport of Table Tennis for a renewable 4-year term (2022-2026), replacing Kurt VAN DAM who retired after this last season. sports 2021-2022.

The Woluwé SSB club will organize a National Single Handicap Table Tennis Championship this Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the CTT Royal Alpa Schaerbeek Woluwé room at the following address: CTT ROYAL ALPAH SCHAERBEEK, Avenue Ernest Rénan 33 at 1030 Brussels.

Come in large numbers to encourage the Table Tennis players who will take part in this tournament!

Do you love table tennis? Do you want to join a club to play competitively? Then join our BDC federation !

Our federation develops in a spirit of conviviality, simplicity, and a warm atmosphere. Regardless of age or level, our federation is open to everyone: children, young people or seniors!

Together, let's practice our sport, our passion !
Table tennis
2 clubs C.S.S. Namur R.L.S. Bruxelles