Opzoeking van een nieuwe T.D. Tafeltennis
di. 8 feb. '22 We are looking for a new TD Table Tennis to replace Kurt Van Dam as TD Table Tennis after this sports season 2021-2022.
The BDC is looking for a replacement for a new Technical Director in the sport of table tennis.

Kurt Van Dam has been the Technical Director of table tennis for 17 years, since 2005. He then replaced Robert Hourez (2002-2005) as T.D.

All their predecessors were :
- Eugène Fraiture (1952-1954)
- Adolf D'hondt (1954-1972)
- Pierre Dewit (1972-1987)
- Pierre Hirsch (1987-1998)
- Bernard Fleurus (1998-2002)

The BDC committee wishes to thank him explicitly for his merits as T.D. and certainly for a long time!

If you would like more information, or have any questions, please contact him.
His contact details can be found below:

Kurt Van Dam - Technical Director - Table Tennis
E-mail: tabletennis@deafsport.be
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